Lessons From Line 6
A couple of weeks ago, a deaf man came to ride our zip line. He did not bring an interpreter and none of us knew sign language. He also couldn't read lips. It was hard to communicate with him about all of the safety rules and what he could expect while out on the course. I wrote out the main rules on a piece of paper before we left so he could at least read them and get some sort of idea about what to expect. The rest of the tour was spent using motions to try and explain what would be happening next. Everything was going pretty smooth, but when we got to line 6, I noticed the wind had picked up. Line 6 is 1100 feet long and goes across Broken Bow Lake. When the wind is blowing it slows you down and makes getting across a little more challenging. Normally, we tell people to cannonball, like you would into a swimming pool, and it helps you build up speed. This helps you get across the line with less problems. The problem was, we were at the beginning of line 6....