
Showing posts from January, 2012

Killing Flies

Killing flies is like trying to defeat the devil. Have you ever noticed that when you don’t have a flyswatter that flies buzz around your head and annoy you to pieces, but get a flyswatter and they begin to fly off. If you actually kill one, the flies disappear completely. Then we think they are gone, we put the flyswatter up and sit back down only to realize that without a weapon we no longer have a defense against the flies. Imagine if we kept our flyswatter beside us all the time. Flies would not fly near as close. In relating this to our spiritual walk, some truths stuck out at me. Sometimes in life we are just ambling along without really a care in the world when BAM! A bunch of flies in the form of tests and trials come our way. At first they may seem like pesky annoyances or maybe even some minor inconveniences and we don’t really think much of it. Then more and more things start coming at us and we begin to look around for something to help us. Sometimes we look to p

Everything and the Kitchen Sink

Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 I love cleaning my kitchen sink. I fill it up with hot water, pour in some bleach and let it sit for about an hour. You can just see all the crud that has accumulated coming off. After I let it soak, I drain the water and then scrub a little bit and voila it looks like I have a brand new sink. If you looked at the sink before I cleaned it you would have never realized all the impurities that were stuck on the inside, but once it is cleaned it is very obvious that it should have been cleaned sooner. The same is true when we become Christians. We’re like the dirty sink. We may not realize that we have so much crud and junk inside of us until we meet the Savior that cleanses us from the inside out. You see as we accept Him into our lives and ask for His forgiveness He begins to do a work in us and starts to remove all the impurities in our life. Our job is to let Him have the time