Get Grounded in God
So apparently I almost hurt myself the other day. I have been pinning like crazy on Pinterest and I have really wanted to start making homemade cleaner. I went to Wal-Mart and bought all the stuff. I'm probably on a list now for people that buy too much cleaner, LOL. When I decided to make the cleaner I pulled up a couple of recipes to look at and then decided to make my own version of homemade cleaner. In the back of my mind I vaguely remember something about not mixing certain chemicals but I didn't bother to go look it up. I just added them slowly so if they did blow up, it wouldn't be all that bad. When nothing blew up, I figured everything was OK. Everything was ok, the first time I used it, but when I went back to use it the second time, I nearly passed out from the fumes, which come to find out were toxic. My carelessness put me and my family in danger. If I had only followed the directions, none of this would have happened. Now I've had to throw my bott...